a. The Connected field displays the Channel ID and Name of the currently selected computer.
b. The Model field displays the model number of this MasterConsole unit (MCCn).
3. Use the <Tab> (forward)/<Shift-Tab> (backward) keys to select the desired field and make your
change as follows:
a. To change Name (default is the unit's model number): Move to Name and type a name up to five
characters. This field is used for your identification purposes only.
b. The Device field specifies the type of device computer or MasterConsole connected to each
channel of the base MasterConsole II unit. <Tab> to the Device field. You must specify the
device for each channel
The Device field consists of a sequence of characters equal to the channel capacity of the base unit. The
leftmost character corresponds to the unit's channel 1, while the rightmost character corresponds to the
highest channel number.
.(dot) = computer (default)
For non-computers, define the Device as
a = MCP2
b = MCP4
c = MCP8
d = MCP16
x = MCC4, MCS4, MCX4
y = MCC8, MCS8, MCX8
z = MCC16, MCX16
Figure 21 Device Types
Figure 22 Device Field
For example, the y . . . . c . . Device field indicates the following: an 8-channel MasterConsole II MCC8
model is connected to the first channel on the base MasterConsole II, an 8-channel MasterConsole P Model
is connected to the sixth channel, and computers are connected (or to be connected) to all other channels.
Note: If you specify a MasterConsole P Model, a pop-up box will prompt for banking
See One-Tier Configuration for instructions on setting/changing other operational parameters (AutoScan,
AutoSkip, ID Display, hot-key, Menu Display, PowerSave).