To edit a rule:
Type the Rule #.
Click Append.
Edit the IP/Mask or Policy as needed.
Click Apply.
To add a new rule:
Type a Rule #, an IP/Mask, and select the Policy.
Click Insert.
To replace a rule:
Type the Rule #, the IP/Mask and set the policy.
Click Replace.
To delete a rule:
Type the Rule #.
Click Delete.
Important: If you set Default policy to DROP and have no ACCEPT rules configured,
access to the Web front-end via LAN is completely disabled. To enable access, change
security settings via modem or by temporarily disabling IP access control with the
initial configuration procedure (as listed in the table at the beginning of this chapter).
Note: The order of rules is important. Rules are checked in ascending order until a rule matches,
and all rules below the matching one are ignored. The Default policy applies if no matching rule
is located.
In the User Blocking panel, set a blocking mechanism that allows you to block certain users after
a certain number of failed logins, that is, if they use incorrect user names or passwords, and set
the duration of the block.
Type the number of attempts a user can make in the Maximum number of failed logins field.
Leave this field empty to disable the user blocking feature.
Type the time (in minutes) the user is blocked after exceeding the maximum number of failed
login attempts in the Block time (minutes) field. Leave this field empty to block a user for an
infinite amount of time (or until the user is manually unblocked).
To unblock users:
• A parent user can access the User Management settings for this user and click Unblock
(please see the section User Management, earlier in this chapter).
• Use the serial console (as used for the initial configuration – see table at the start of this
chapter) and log on as the user unblock. Enter the super user password and unblock the user
when MCIP displays a list of blocked users.