For Example:
The new user’s name is Raritan. Type <1> at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key. Type <Raritan> at the
Enter User Name: prompt and press the <Enter> key. Raritan appears as User 1. Remember that, as User 1, Raritan is also the
Admin user:
Continue to add users until the list is complete. Assign outlets at this time, or press the <Enter> key at the prompt to return to the
Configuration menu. Press <Enter> once again to return to the Status menu.
Delete a User
To Delete a user, type the letter <D> at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key.
Enter the user’s number at the Enter the user number to delete: prompt and press the <Enter> key. The user will be removed
from the list of user names.
Rename a User
To Rename a user, type the letter <R> at the Enter Request: prompt and press the <Enter> key.
Enter the user number at the Enter user number to rename: prompt, enter the new user name at the Enter User Name: prompt,
and then press the <Enter> key. The updated name will be reflected in the list of user names.
Enter User Name> Raritan
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1) Raritan | N |N |N | N | N |N | N | N|
A)...Add User
D)...Delete User
R)...Rename User
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1) Raritan | N |N |N | N | N |N | N | N|
A)...Add User
D)...Delete User
R)...Rename User
Enter user number to assign Outlets, A, D or R.
Enter Re
uest: D
| User | Assigned Outlets |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1) Raritan | N |N |N | N | N |N | N | N|
A)...Add User
D)...Delete User
R)...Rename User
Enter user number to assign Outlets, A, D or R.
Enter Re
uest: R