Chapter 5: Digital Selective Calling (DSC) 31
Chapter 5: Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
The Ray54E includes equipment for Class “D” Digital Selective Calling
(DSC). DSC protocol is a globally applied system used to send and receive
digital calls. DSC uses a unique Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
number to direct DSC calls directly to your radio, much like a telephone
number. When the DSC signal is received, the radio quickly switches over to
channel 70 and performs the corresponding operation.
Note: An MMSI number is required to operate the DSC equipment in this ra-
dio. You can request an MMSI number from the same agency that issues ra-
dio or Ship Radio licences in your area. Once obtained, you can program the
MMSI number yourself one time only using the operation described in My
MMSI ID on page 72. Otherwise, your Raymarine dealer can program or
change the number for you.
The Ray54E includes a separate dedicated receiver just for DSC
communications on channel 70. When a DSC call is received, the Ray54E
automatically responds based on the type of call. When receiving a DSC call
from another vessel or a coast station, an alert sounds and DSC data appears
in the LCD–such as time of a call, the caller and the type and priority of a call.
The Ray54E can make the following type of DSC calls:
• INDIVIDUAL (routine) Calls are made to a specific station identified by
its MMSI number. See page 34.
• GROUP (routine) Calls send transmissions that are only received by
radios that share a common Group MMSI number. See page 38.
• ALL SHIPS Calls send out a message to all vessels within range. See
page 42. The Ray54E can make two different types of All Ships calls:
1. SAFETY Calls for advisory alerts, or
2. URGENCY when the assistance is required but the situation is not
serious enough for a Distress Call
• DISTRESS Calls send your vessel’s position and time information to
other ships and shore stations, along with (optionally) the nature of your
Distress situation. See page 45.
• POSITION REQUEST calls enable you to request GPS position infor-
mation from any station for which an MMSI number is known. You can
also send out your position to others.
Note: If you purchased your Ray54E to include use on the inland waterways
of the contracting governments of the “Regional Arrangement Concerning
the Radiotelephone Service on Inland Waterways”—also known as the
Basel Agreement—your Ray54E will be programmed by your dealer to