24 ST8002 SmartPilot Controller Operating Guide
S1G, S2G and S3G systems
Non-G SmartPilot systems
Screen Text Options
Range = 1 to 9
levels 9 to 7 gives the tightest course keeping and great-
est rudder activity (and power consumption). This can lead
to a rough passage in open waters as the SmartPilot may
‘fight’ the sea.
levels 6 to 4 should give good course keeping with crisp,
well controlled turns under normal operating conditions.
levels 3 to 1 minimizes the amount of pilot activity. This
conserves power, but may compromise short-term course-
keeping accuracy.
Screen Text Options
AutoSeastate on (Automatic deadband).
The SmartPilot will gradually ignore repetitive boat move-
ments and only react to true variations in course. This pro-
vides the best compromise between power consumption
and course keeping accuracy.
AutoSeastate off (minimum deadband).
This setting provides tighter course keeping but will lead to
increased power consumption and drive unit activity.
AutoSeastate off + counter rudder yaw damping.
This setting provides the tightest possible course keeping
by introducing counter rudder yaw damping.