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Safe lighting and other performance criteria were met
with the gas manifold and control assembly provided
on the heater when the heater underwent tests speci-
fied in the latest edition of the ANSI Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3
Before lighting up a new installation, water should be
flowing through the heater. Water pressure regulator
should be set to minimum 25 PSI.
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Many pumps are now direct-drive. They have no cou-
pler or bearing assembly. These pumps do not require
lubrication. Others require SAE-30 non-detergent oil to
lubricate both the motor and the bearing assembly.
Check pump motor for type before adding oil.
Clean dust and lint from pump and motor. Check pump
coupler and tighten if necessary.
Flush system before putting into operation to ensure
that foreign material does not damage pump seals.
%$ Propane gas is heavier than air and
sinks to the ground. Exercise extreme care in light-
ing heater in confined areas.
%$ Pump must be off to check oil in bearing
assembly. Do not run pump without water in system.