6. System Startup and Checkout
Before Startup
Before starting the Aqua Logic for the first time, be sure that the following items have been completed:
1. Pool/spa chemicals are within the recommended levels according to the chart on page 3.
2. Pool/spa salt level is between 2700 – 3400 PPM.
3. Properly rated circuit breakers are installed in the Aqua Logic subpanel.
4. All wiring is performed according to NEC and local codes.
5. The Aqua Logic is properly grounded and bonded.
6. The Aqua Logic is properly configured to control all desired functions.
Program Automatic Operation
Refer to the programming flow chart on the back cover of this manual for a listing of the available menus
and the items included in each menu.
Settings Menu
Heater(s) and/or solar thermostat settings
Chlorinator settings
Day and Time
Timers Menu
Timeclock and/or Countdown timer settings
Heater Checkout
Follow these instructions to verify that the Aqua Logic is properly controlling the heater.
1. Check that the Aqua Logic is calling for the heater to turn on as indicated by the “Heater” LED being
illuminated. If the “Heater” LED is illuminated, go directly to step 2; if not, then check the following:
• The heater is enabled (Configuration Menu/Heater Config.)
• The heater temperature setting is at least 2ºF greater than the water temperature (Settings Menu /
Pool Heater & Spa Heater)
• The filter pump is running
• If the pool has solar heat and the solar priority feature is enabled (Configuration Menu/Solar
Config) then solar must be off in order for the heater to fire. The easiest way to force solar off is to
go to the Settings Menu / Pool Solar & Spa Solar and temporarily lower the temperature settings
below the current water temperature.
2. Check that the heater is running. If not, then check:
• Power is supplied to the heater.
• The Aqua Logic control output is properly connected to the heater control (see”Heater Control”
wiring, page 13)
• Some heaters also have internal switches or jumpers that have to be set correctly for remote
control operation—refer to the heater manual and also “Heater Control” (page 13)
• Heater is turned on (“Kill Switch” is in the “ON” position)
• If a heater bypass valve is installed, check that water is flowing through the heater
• The heater temperature setting is set as high as possible (usually 104ºF/40ºC). Also note that
some heatpumps actually have be set to the lowest possible temperature.