11.0. T-3
Revision 1.0
Raypak B6000 Modbus™
Protocol Interface
Please Read this Notice
Successful application of the
T-3 card requires a reasonable work-
ing knowledge of the Raypak B6000 Boiler Control, and the applica-
tion in which the combination is to be used. For this reason, it is
important that those responsible for implementing the T-3 satisfy
themselves that the T-3 and B6000 Boiler Control combination will
meet the needs of the application.
This manual is provided to assist the user. Every attempt has been
made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and a true
reflection of the product’s installation requirements. In order to en-
sure a complete understanding of the operation of the T-3 with B6000
Controller, the user should read all applicable Raypak documenta-
tion on the operation of the B6000.
The T-3 card will allow remote access to commands in the
B6000 Controller. The User is responsible for ensuring that
any applicable regulations concerning the remote operation
of equipment are adhered to.