Turn on the voicemail by pressing the VOICEMAIL button once, a blue indicator will light up.
Then select the preferred Mailbox setting. (Personal Mailbox allows you to access the
current base mailbox only, or choose General Mailbox to access the operator's mailbox.)
For detail information on Voicemail setup and features, please refer to the Programming the
To turn off the Voicemail, you can press and hold the VOICEMAIL button for about 2 seconds
until the Voice mail LED off.
Voicemail section.
Auto Attendant
Turn on the auto attendant function by entering the Auto Attendant sub-menu under the
Administrator main menu. For detailed information on the auto attendant set up and fea-
tures, please refer to the Auto Attendant section.
The ringer, speaker, and handset/headset volume are set independently with the VOL (+ or
-) buttons. There are 8 possible volume settings per mode. The volume indicator scale is
displayed during volume adjustment.
Ringer Volume
1. While the phone is on the hook, press the VOL (+ or -) button. The phone will ring ac-
cording to the current setting.
2. Tap the VOL (+ or -) buttons to adjust the volume one level at a time. The phone stores
the setting after the last button press or press Select softkey.
Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset Volume
While the phone is in use, during the desired mode, press the VOL (+ or -) buttons until you
reach a comfortable listening level. The phone stores the setting after the last button press.
Programming Functions
The system uses a menu structure to give you access to all of the built-in features. You may
program the following items in the main menu: Voice mail, Phone options, Set LCD Con-
trast, Set Time&Date, Set Area Code, Set Language, Administrator and Restore to defaults.
NOTE: During programming, you may press exit soft key to exit programming and return to
the standby screen.