OK Back
Contact name has been
added to your
contact list
Select OK to send an
Select Back
Choose what type of
Contact to add
Phone number
4. You are now asked whether you want to
save your Skype name and password for
automatic sign-in in the event of power
Press to accept,to accept, to decline.
Your contact list displays all of the names you can make calls
to. If you have an existing Skype account, your contact list is
automatically downloaded when you sign in. If you are new to
Skype and have just created an account, your contact list will be
empty. You will need to add contacts to your list.
Skype protects the privacy of its users by requiring an exchange
of contact details on names that you wish to add to your contact
list. When you add a name to your list, an exchange contact
details request is sent to the user. The user can accept or decline
the request. When a request is accepted, you can see when your
contacts are online and make calls to them. You can also view
their personal profile details.
Add a Skype Contact
To add a Skype contact, press to select Menu, then:
1. Use to go to Add Contact, select by
pressing .
2. Press to select Skype.
3. Use the keypad to enter the Skype name
or full name and press .
4. Confirm contact can see you when you
are online by pressing . To send a
request to exchange contact details
press . An exchange contact detailsAn exchange contact details
request is sent to the contact. When it
has been sent, a confirmation message
is displayed. Presss again. The nameThe name
is added to your contact list, and when
accepted by the contact it will change
Yes No
Do you want to save
your Skype name
and password for
automatic sign in?