Power Supply
A. Using the Car Power Adapter
The included 12V car power adapter is designed for use with vehicles that have a 12V, negative ground
electrical system.
unit, or even your vehicle.
• The included 12V car power adapter is for use with this unit only. Do not use it with any other
• Intheinterestoftrafcsafety,driversshouldnotoperatetheunitorviewvideoswhiledriving.
• Whentheinsideofthe12Vpoweroutletisdirtywithashesordust,theplugsectionmaybecomehotdue
to poor contact. Be sure to clean the 12V power outlet before use.
• Afteruse,disconnectthe12Vcarpoweradapterfromboththeunitand12Vpoweroutlet.
• Iftheunitisnotproperlyattachedtoavehicle,itmaybecomeairborneintheeventofanaccidentand
cause damage, injury, or death.
• Checkyourlocaltrafclawsforrulesgoverningtheuseofvideodevicesinvehicles.
This car adapter is for use with
12 volt batteries only.
Disconnect this car power adapter when
not in use. Not for use in 24V vehicles.
B. Using the AC power Adapter
The included AC power adapter operates on
AC between 100V-240V. It is suitable for use
on AC mains supplies of 100-240 Volts AC and
should only be connected to a mains supply
within these parameters.
• TurnofftheunitbeforeunpluggingtheACpoweradaptertoavoiddamagetotheunit.
• Whentheunitisnotgoingtobeusedforalongtime,disconnecttheACpoweradapterfromtheAC
• TheACpoweradapterincludedwiththisunitisforitsuseonly.Donotuseitwithotherequipment.
• Besuretousetheunitclosetothewalloutletandmakeitiseasilyaccessible.Ifamalfunctionoccurs,
disconnect the plug from the wall outlet at once.
• WhentheACpoweradapterispluggedin,theapparatusisnotcompletelydisconnectedfromthemain
power source, even when the unit is turned off.