Focusing Your Camcorder
- Auto Focus
If you want the camcorder to focus
for you automatically, slide the
AUTOFOCUS switch to the AUTO
The camcorder's auto-focus system
sends out an infrared light beam
and automatically focuses on the
nearest object that reflects this
light. Take care not to block the
camcorder's Auto Focus Window
while recording with the auto-focus
If any of the following conditions
exist, you may need to switch off
the auto-focus system and focus
manually by turning the focus ring.
To switch off auto-focus, slide the
AUTOFOCUS switch to the MAN
(manual) position.
• Sloping or inclined surfaces may
not be focused because the
reflected light will not be
returned to the auto-focus
• When shooting through a
window, the auto-focus system
may focus on the window glass
instead of your subject.
• Dark objects, such as a subject's
clothing, may absorb the
infrare_t light. Manual focus may
be required.
• Auto focus may not be able to
work reliably on subjects more
than approximately 35 feet away
from the camcorder.
• When using the optional wide-
angle or telephoto lens adapters,
turn off the auto-focus system
and focus manually. It is not
possible to use autofocus when
these adapters are being used.
-Manual Focus
If you do not want the camcorder
to focus for you automatically,
shde the AUTOFOCUS switch to the
MAN (manual) position. You can
then adjust the focus as desired by
turning the Focus Ring with your
O Before you start
recording, zoom in on
your subject and adjust
the Focus Ring so that a
sharp, clear picture is
displayed in the viewfinder. (You
can zoom in on your subject by
holding the Power Zoom button
labeled "T".) By using this
procedure for manual focus, the
camcorder will maintain proper
focus throughout the zoom range.
You can also quickly and
momentarily switch from MANUAL
to AUTO focus by pushing the
PUSH/AUTO focus switch in while
the AUTOFOCUS switch is in the
MANUAL position. When the switch
is pressed in and held, automatic
focus is activated and remains
activated until the switch is
released. This is useful if you are
shooting a relatively static scene in
MANUAL focUS and need to quickly
and momentarily use AUTO focus to
adjust for a change in scene.
- Macro Focus
The macro focus feature lets you
focus on objects as close as 1/4
inch from your subject.
Macro Button
Zoom Ring
Zoom Fling AUTOFOCUS Switch
l. Slide the AUTOFOCUSswitch
to the MAN (manual) position.
Press in and hold the Macro
Button (on Zoom Ring Lever)
while rotating the Zoom Ring
to the MACRO position. (You'll
see the word MACRO on the
zoom ring scale. Make it align
with the white line.)
3. Release the Macro Button
after the Zoom Ring is in the
MACRO position.
4. Slowly rotate the Zoom Ring
with your fingers until you get
a sharp picture.
• Zooming is not possible when in
Macro Focus. To change the size
of the subject, move the lens
closer or further away from it.
• The Focus Ring has no effect in
Macro Focus.