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Language Codes
Language Codes are used for the Disc Audio, Disc Subtitle, and Disc Menu settings.
Language Code Language Code
Abkhazian 6566 Estonian 6984
Afar 6565 Faroese 7079
Afrikaans 6570 Fiji 7074
Albanian 8381 Finnish 7073
Ameharic 6577 French 7082
Arabic 6582 Frisian 7089
Armenian 7289 Galician 7176
Assamese 6583 Georgian 7565
Aymara 6588 German 6869
Azerbaijani 6590 Greek 6976
Bashkir 6665 Greenlandic 7576
Basque 6985 Guarani 7178
Bengali;Bangla 6678 Gujarati 7185
Bhutani 6890 Hausa 7265
Bihari 6672 Hebrew 7387
Breton 6682 Hindi 7173
Bulgarian 6671 Hungarian 7285
Burmese 7789 Icelandic 7383
Byelorussian 6669 Indonesian 7378
Cambodian 7577 Interlingua 7365
Catalan 6765 Irish 7165
Chinese 9072 Italian 7384
Corsican 6779 Japanese 7465
Croatian 7282 Javanese 7487
Czech 6783 Kannada 7578
Danish 6865 Kashmiri 7583
Dutch 7876 Kazakh 7575
English 6978 Kirghiz 7589
Esperanto 6979 Korean 7579
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