Chapter 1 9
Getting Started
Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.
Time Offset +01:00
Use ^v to select Item or Setting.
Press MENU to exit.
Schedule Recurrence One-time
Set Time Access Basic
Daylight Savings No
Time Offset +01:00
1 Current Time
2 Sleep Timer
3 Schedule
4 Time Configuration
0 Exit
Basic Menu Access Enabled
Press ^v to change, MENU to exit.
Remote Config. TV1
Basic Menu Access Enabled
TV Power Config. Always
Front Panel Enabled
Energy Saver Disabled
Parental Controls NoBasic
Basic Menu Access This feature tells the TV to either enable or disable the basic menu. When the basic
menu is disabled, users cannot access menus through the basic remote or the front panel.
TV Power Config. (Configuration) This feature determines whether the TV can be turned on and off with
the POWER button on the remote or the front panel. You can toggle between:
Switched The TV can be turned on or off; the Energy Saver can be enabled.
Always The TV is always on and cannot be turned off; all Energy Saver settings are ignored.
Front Panel This feature determines whether the front panel buttons are active (able to be used to control
the TV) or not.
Energy Saver Setting When enabled, this feature turns the TV off after a specified period of disuse (no
remote or front panel button presses). You can toggle between Disabled, 2-hour, 1-hour, and 30-minute
settings. When disabled, the TV won’t turn itself off. If TV Power Config. is set to Always, Energy Saver
Settings are ignored.
Parental Controls This feature determines the amount of access basic users have to Parental Controls.
Blocking age-based rating and content themes is described in Chapter 3. You can toggle between:
Basic&Pwd Basic users are able to enter the Parental Control menu and change the password. Basic
users can watch blocked programming by entering the system password.
Basic Basic users are able to enter the Parental Control menu but cannot change the password. Basic
users can watch blocked programming by entering the system password.
NoBasic Parental Control does not appear on the basic Main menu. Basic users can watch blocked
programming by entering the system password.
If Parental Controls is set to NoBasic, Movie Rating Access, TV Rating Access, Unrated Program Block, and
Channel Block will not be available to basic users, regardless of what those items have been set to
individually in the Parental Controls menu.
Note that the master user is always able to enter Parental Controls and change the password.
Time and Timers Menu
The Current Time and Schedule options might not be available to the basic user, depending on how they’ve
been set by the master. Time Configuration isn’t available in the basic menu.
Current Time Enter the current time. The on-screen directions guide you through the steps needed to set
the time. This feature is accessible by basic users only if Set Time Access is set to Basic (unless an invalid time
is received).
Schedule Set up a schedule for the TV to turn itself on and off. The on-screen directions guide you through
the steps needed to set the schedule. (If the current time has not been set, you will be required to set it.) This
feature isn’t available to basic users if Schedule Recurrence is set to Disabled. If TV Power Config. is set to
Always, Schedule will not work.
Note that pressing the RESET button while in the Schedule control panel clears both the start and stop times
and selects Inactive in the Schedule Status field.
Time Configuration This control panel lets you control several time-related functions. Scroll to the feature
you want to set in the Item field. Then, highlight the Setting field and scroll to select the setting you want
for that item. Your choice should be reflected in the table at the bottom of the control panel.
Schedule Recurrence Select what sort of access you want users to have to the scheduling function:
Disabled Prevents the basic user from viewing or changing the Schedule menu item.
Recurring This schedule is in effect indefinitely; both the master and basic user can view and
change the Schedule menu item.
One-time This schedule is only active once unless reset; both the master and basic user can view
and change the Schedule menu item.
Set Time Access Select who is able to change the current time:
Disabled Prevents the basic user from viewing or changing the Current Time menu item unless an
invalid time is received. The basic user will still be able to view the current time in the Status Display
if a time has been set.
Automatic TV sets the time using a time-set channel. Basic users can view the Current Time menu
item, but cannot change it.
Basic Both the master and basic user can view and change the Current Time menu item.