
Empezar a utilizar el PowerStar
Comprobación de fugas y purga de aire
Compruebe que todos los disyuntores que llevan alimentación eléctrica al calentador de agua están
Abra todos los grifos de agua caliente que alimenta el calentador de agua y examine todas las
conexiones de las tuberías de agua, por si hubiera fugas.
Con todos los grifos de agua caliente aún abiertos, examine todos los grifos para asegurarse de que
se ha purgado todo el aire de los conductos.
Una vez purgado el aire, con los grifos aún abiertos, active todos los disyuntores del calentador de
Cierre todos los grifos de agua caliente y vaya al siguiente apartado.
Ajuste del disco de temperatura
El ajuste de la temperatura se realiza con el disco situado en el borde inferior de la unidad. El
ajuste está entre 35ºC y 55ºC aproximadamente. Si se gira el disco en el sentido de las agujas del
reloj se aumenta el ajuste de temperatura según lo indica la marca en la unidad.
Ajuste del caudal
Abra completamente las válvulas de cierre de entrada y salida en el calentador, y luego:
Abra completamente la llave de agua caliente (ej.: bera) más próxima a la conexión de salida.
Ajuste la válvula de cierre de salida hasta que el caudal de agua de la llave de agua caliente
coincida con el valor indicado en el Gráfico 1 debajo.
Gfico 1
For example:
For the AE115 unit, using the outlet ball valve, ensure the flow rate does not exceed 2.3 gallons /
For the AE125 unit, using the outlet ball valve, ensure the flow rate does not exceed 3.5 gallons /
Note: These figures are based on an inlet water temperature of 5F and a supply voltage of 240
volts. If the inlet water temperature is lower than 5F, or if the supply voltage is less than 240 volts,
then the outlet temperature will be lower than what is shown in Graph 1. If a higher outlet water
temperature is desired, then reduce the flow rate and/or supply the unit with 240 volts.
Before leaving the site, the installer should demonstrate the unit to the user and give them this guide.
How the PowerStar works
The PowerStar heats water continuously as it flows through the heater modules.
The electronic control PCB monitors the flow rate and the incoming water temperature and then
switches on the required number of heater elements to reach the temperature set by the adjustment
As the flow rate or the incoming water temperature changes, the electronic control adjusts the
number of heater modules used so that the outlet temperature is maintained.
The outlet water temperature can change slightly as the flow rate changes due to the steps in power
as different heater modules are switched on and off.
The outlet water temperature can also vary if the maximum flow rate is exceeded (see Graph 1) or if
the supply voltage changes.
Each heater module is protected by an electro-mechanical thermal cut-out. If the temperature of any
of the heater modules gets too high, then the cut-out will trip and cut the power to that heater
module. If the cut-out trips, it must be reset while the circuit breakers are off. If you are not
comfortable or qualified to perform this task, consult the original installer or a licensed electrician.
This cut-out will only trip in exceptional circumstances.
The AE115 unit is supplied from two independent voltage supplies and the AE125 unit from three
independent voltage supplies. (In Canada the unit has just one voltage supply).
Depending on the region of the country, the temperature of the water supply can vary between 40°F
in winter to 70°F in summer, with an average of 55°F.