P33S Sunrise shown with cobalt blue crystals and stainless steel faceplate.
P33S Sunrise shown with cobalt blue crystals, stainless steel reflective panels
and blue faceplate.
L676S Sunrise shown with cobalt blue crystals, enamel black reflective panels
and black faceplate.
L676S Sunrise shown with ceramic spa stones, stainless steel reflective panels
and red faceplate.
Specifications (NG)* L676S P33S
Input (BTU) 29,000 17, 0 00
Turn down to (BTU) 19,500 12,000
EnerGuide Rating (Canada only) 60.97% 65.08%
Efficiency (steady state) 67% 67%
Faceplate Width 34-3/4" 3 8-7/8"
Faceplate Height 33-3/16" 29-1/2 "
View area 676 sq.in. 408 sq.in.
* For propane (LP) specs please see page 26.
For detailed specifications please see pages 23-31.
Standard Features Optional Features
Sunrise re with cobalt blue crystals•
Wall mounted On/O Switch•
Standing pilot with direct spark ignition•
Inner panels in black, black enamel (L676S •
only ) and stainless steel
Faceplate in black, blue, red, silver (L676S •
only) and stainless steel (P33S only)
Ceramic Spa Stones•
White or Natural River Pebbles•
Proame GT remote control•
Wall thermostat•
LP conversion kit•
AstroCap™ venting system•