Section 17 I
C Bus Interface 3
Page 864 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
R/W Description
2 AL/OVE 0 R/W Arbitration Lost Flag/Overrun Error Flag
Indicates that arbitration was lost in master mode with
the I
C bus format and that the final bit has been
received while RDRF = 1 with the clocked synchronous
When two or more master devices attempt to seize the
bus at nearly the same time, if the I
C bus interface 3
detects data differing from the data it sent, it sets AL to
1 to indicate that the bus has been occupied by another
[Clearing condition]
When 0 is written in AL/OVE after reading AL/OVE
= 1
[Setting conditions]
If the internal SDA and SDA pin disagree at the rise
of SCL in master transmit mode
When the SDA pin outputs high in master mode
while a start condition is detected
When the final bit is received with the clocked
synchronous format while RDRF = 1
1 AAS 0 R/W Slave Address Recognition Flag
In slave receive mode, this flag is set to 1 if the first
frame following a start condition matches bits SVA[6:0]
in SAR.
[Clearing condition]
When 0 is written in AAS after reading AAS = 1
[Setting conditions]
When the slave address is detected in slave receive
When the general call address is detected in slave
receive mode.
0 ADZ 0 R/W General Call Address Recognition Flag
This bit is valid in slave receive mode with the I
C bus
[Clearing condition]
When 0 is written in ADZ after reading ADZ = 1
[Setting condition]
When the general call address is detected in slave
receive mode