
Phone basics
Find your phone number
Open the phone.
The My Number field displays your phone number.
Make a call
1. On the Home screen or in the phone, perform one of the following actions:
Type a phone number.
Type part of a contact name. Highlight a contact or phone number.
Press the
Answer a call
To answer a call, click Answer.
To end a current call and answer the incoming call, click Answer - Drop Current.
To place a current call on hold and answer the incoming call, click Answer - Hold Current.
To leave a conference call and answer the incoming call, click Answer - Drop All.
To end the call, press the End key.
Ignore a call
Click Ignore.
Mute a call
During a call, press the Mute key.
To turn mute off, press the Mute key again.
Place a call on hold
1. During a call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Hold.
To resume a call, press the Menu key. Click Resume.