
Using Internet Fax Functions
Receiving Internet Fax
You can receive e-mail documents by
Internet Fax.
There are two methods of receiving e-
mail: Auto E-mail Reception and
Manual E-mail Reception.
E-mail with attachments other than
TIFF-F format files cannot be re-
ceived. Senders receive an Error
Mail Notification if their e-mail
contains attachments. You can se-
lect whether or not the machine
sends this message with User Pa-
rameters. See p.166 User Parame-
ters, Facsimile Reference <Advanced
Features> (switch 21, bit 7). How-
ever, TIFF-F documents created by
the Saving function of DeskTop-
Binder Professional Lite can be re-
Require Secure Password Au-
thentication (SPA) for all
client connections
is selected
in Windows Server 2003, reception
is not possible.
When Reception Protocol is set to
POP3 or IMAP4, you can set the
machine to retain incoming e-mail
or delete it from the server in Sys-
tem Settings. See File Transfer,
Network Guide.
With User Parameters, you can
have the machine return the ac-
knowledgment of e-mail to the
sender. See p.166 User Parame-
ters, Facsimile Reference <Advanced
Features> (switch 21, bit 1).
Auto E-mail Reception
When this function is turned on, the
machine periodically checks the e-
mail server for incoming e-mail and
downloads it as necessary.
E-mail auto-reception should be set in
System Settings. When you select
auto-reception, set the reception in-
terval in minutes.
See File Transfer, Network Guide.
If memory runs out, e-mail will not
be received at the specified inter-
vals. Reception will resume when
sufficient memory becomes avail-
Manual E-mail Reception
The following operation allows you
to receive e-mail at all times.
Program the Manual E-mail RX
function to a Quick Operation key
beforehand. See p.144 General
Settings/Adjustment, Facsimile
Reference <Advanced Features> .
Press [Manual E-mail RX].
Access the server to check for e-
mail. Receive any saved e-mails.
JupterC2_Fax_EN-F_FM.book Page 66 Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:47 PM