Using Internet Fax Functions
Receiving Internet Fax
You can receive e-mail documents by
Internet Fax.
There are two methods of receiving e-
mail: Auto E-mail Reception and
Manual E-mail Reception.
E-mail with attachments other than
TIFF-F format files cannot be re-
ceived. Senders receive an Error
Mail Notification if their e-mail
contains attachments. You can se-
lect whether or not the machine
sends this message with User Pa-
rameters. See p.166 “User Parame-
ters”, Facsimile Reference <Advanced
Features> (switch 21, bit 7). How-
ever, TIFF-F documents created by
the Saving function of DeskTop-
Binder Professional Lite can be re-
If “
Require Secure Password Au-
thentication (SPA) for all
client connections
is selected
in Windows Server 2003, reception
is not possible.
❒ When Reception Protocol is set to
POP3 or IMAP4, you can set the
machine to retain incoming e-mail
or delete it from the server in “Sys-
tem Settings”. See “File Transfer”,
Network Guide.
❒ With User Parameters, you can
have the machine return the ac-
knowledgment of e-mail to the
sender. See p.166 “User Parame-
ters”, Facsimile Reference <Advanced
Features> (switch 21, bit 1).
Auto E-mail Reception
When this function is turned on, the
machine periodically checks the e-
mail server for incoming e-mail and
downloads it as necessary.
E-mail auto-reception should be set in
“System Settings”. When you select
auto-reception, set the reception in-
terval in minutes.
See “File Transfer”, Network Guide.
❒ If memory runs out, e-mail will not
be received at the specified inter-
vals. Reception will resume when
sufficient memory becomes avail-
Manual E-mail Reception
The following operation allows you
to receive e-mail at all times.
Program the Manual E-mail RX
function to a Quick Operation key
beforehand. See p.144 “General
Settings/Adjustment”, Facsimile
Reference <Advanced Features> .
Press [Manual E-mail RX].
Access the server to check for e-
mail. Receive any saved e-mails.
JupterC2_Fax_EN-F_FM.book Page 66 Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:47 PM