Selecting files to back up
You can back up all of the files in a selected path or
limit your project to certain file categories. The
following categories can be selected from the
project window: Email, Financial, Music, Photos,
Productivity, and Video and Recorded TV. You can
also create one custom category.
By default, files will be selected based on the
following criteria:
• All files in the selected path: All files on the drive or
folder you selected to archive.
• Email: All files with the following file name
extensions --- .dbx, .eml, .eudora, .mozilla, .msg,
.pbx, .pst, .wab, .mbx, .mim, .mime, .mlm, .wcm,
and .pfc.
• Financial: All files with the following file name
extensions ---.mbf, .mny, .ofc, .ptb, .ptdb, .q00,
.q01, .q02, .q03, .q04, .q05, .q06, .q07, .q08,
.q09, .q98, .qba, .qbb, .qbi, .qbw, .qbx, .qdb,
.qdf, .qdt, .qel, .qif, .qph, .sdb, .t01, .t02, .t03,
.t04, .t05, .t06, .ta0, .ta1, .ta2, .ta3, .ta4, .ta5, .ta8,
.ta9, .tax, .qmd, .mn4, .txf, .tax2008, .tax2009,
.tax2010, and .tax2011.
• Music: All files with the following file name
extensions --- .669, .aa, .aac, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, .amf,
.amr, .apl, .au, .bwf, .cda, .cdda, .dcm, .far, .flac,
.it, .itz, .kar, .m3u, .m3url, .m4a, .m4b, .m4p,
.mdz, .mid, .midi, .miz, .mp1, .mp2v, .mp3,
.mpga, .mpv2, .mtm, .nsa, .nst, .ogg, .okt, .pls,
.qcp, .ra, .rmi, .s3m, .s3z, .sd2, .shn, .snd, .stm,
.stz, .ult, .ulw, .voc, .wav, .wax, .wma, .wpl, .xm,
.xpl, .asx, and .m4u. Your entire My Music folder
(Windows XP) or Music folder (Windows Vista
and Windows 7) is included if it is located on
the drive or in the folder you selected to
• Photos: All files with the following file name
extensions --- .cam, .cr2, .crw, .dcr, .j2c, .j2k, .jfi,
.jfif, .jif, .jp2, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, .jpx, .k25, .kdc, .kqp,
.mrw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .pmp, .raf, .raw, .srf, .thm,
.3ds, .ai, .ait, .ani, .art, .b3d, .bmp, .can, .cdr, .cdt,
.cgm, .clp, .cmt, .cpt, .cur, .dcx, .dds, .dib, .djvu,
.drw, .drz, .dwg, .dxf, .emf, .eps, .epsf, .fax, .fi,
.fmf, .fpx, .fxo, .fxs, .g3, .g3n, .gif, .gmf, .grb, .gro,
.gsm, .gtif, .hpi, .icb, .icl, .ico, .ilbm, .img, .indd,
.indt, .iw44, .lbm, .lwi, .mac, .macp, .mix, .mng,
.mod, .mpnt, .msp, .ncr, .ngg, .nlm, .nol, .odg,
.paint, .pat, .pcd, .pct, .pcx, .pdl, .pdp, .pict,
.pmd, .pmg, .png, .pnm, .pnt, .pntg, .pp4, .pp5,
.ppm, .prm, .psd, .psp, .pspimage, .pub, .qti,
.qxd, .qxt, .rgb, .rle, .rppm, .sci, .sgi, .slddrw, .svg,
.svg2, .targa, .tcw, .tga, .tif, .tiff, .vda, .vdx, .vsd,
.vss, .vst, .vsx, .vtx, .wmf, .wmz, and .wpg. Your
entire My Pictures folder (Windows XP) or
Pictures folder (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
is included if it is located on the drive or in the
folder you selected to archive.
• Productivity: All files with the following file name
extensions --- .bk0, .bk1, .bk2, .bk3, .bk4, .bk5,
.bk6, .bk7, .bk8, .doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm,
.dotx, .lwp, .odt, .ott, .pdf, .ps, .rtf, .txt, .wpd,
.wps, .wpt, .wri, .123, .dif, .ods, .ots, .qpw, .wk1,
.wk3, .wk4, .wks, .xla, .xlam, .xlr, .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm,
.xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltx, .odp, .otp, .pot, .potm,
.potx, .ppa, .ppam, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt,
.pptm, .pptx, .prz, .shw, .mpp, .wp, .wp6, .wmlx,
and .oft. In Windows XP, your my Documents
folder, with the exception of your My Pictures,
My Videos, My DVDs, and My Music folders, is
included if it is located on the drive or in the
folder you selected to archive. In Windows
Vista and Windows 7, your Documents folder
with the exception of your Pictures, Videos,
DVDs, and Music folders, is included if it is
located on the drive or in the folder you
selected to archive.
• Video and Recorded TV: All files with the following
file name extensions - .3g2, .3gp, .3gp2, .3gpp,
.amc, .asf, .avi, .cin, .dv, .flc, .ivf, .m15, .m1v,
.m2p, .m2v, .m4e, .m4v, .m75, .mov, .mp4, .mpe,
.mpeg, .mpg, .mpm, .mpv, .mswmm, .nsv, .ogm,
.qt, .qtl, .qts, .rm, .rmvb, .rp, .rt, .rts, .rtsp, .rv,
.sdv, .smi, .smil, .sml, .ssm, .swf, .vfw, .wm, .wmd,
.wmv, .wmx, .wvx, .xmz, .m1p, .mp2, .vbs, .xtl,
.dvr-ms, and .wtv. Your My Videos folder
(Windows XP) or Videos folder (Windows Vista
and Windows 7) is included if it is located on
the drive or in the folder you selected to
Tip: You can add to the list of file extensions included in
any file category by using the controls on the Backup
options panel. See “Backup Files options“ on page 13
for more information.
10-1087_RF-HD3035_MAN_ENG_V1.fm Page 10 Friday, October 29, 2010 1:25 PM