Publication CIG-CO521D-EN-P- July 2007
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Please complete the sections below. Where applicable, rank the feature (1=needs improvement, 2=satisfactory, and 3=outstanding).
Pub. Title/Type Stratix 8000 Managed Ethernet Switches Hardware User Manual
Cat. No. 1
1783-MX08T, 1783-MX08F
Pub. No. 1783-UM002A-EN-E Pub. Date April 2009 Part No.
Overall Usefulness 1 2 3 How can we make this publication more useful for you?
(all necessary information
is provided)
1 2 3 Can we add more information to help you?
procedure/step illustration feature
example guideline other
explanation definition
Technical Accuracy
(all provided information
is correct)
1 2 3 Can we be more accurate?
text illustration
(all provided information is
easy to understand)
1 2 3 How can we make things clearer?
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___Yes, please email me at _______________________
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