C-190 Portable Organ
9. Appendix
If you encounter problems with the C-190, please read
the following before assuming that there is a malfunc-
■The C-190 cannot be switched on
Is the adapter connected properly (page 9)?
■No sound is produced
Is the [VOLUME] slider set to the minimum position
(page 9)?
Are headphones connected? Disconnect them
(page 9).
■Cannot hear the PEDAL sound
Is the [PEDAL] slider set to the minimum position
(page 9)?
Does the indicator of one of the PEDAL tabs light?
Did you connect a MIDI cable to the PEDAL IN socket?
In that case, the PEDAL division needs to be played
from a PK-series pedal unit.
■Cannot select orchestral sounds
Does the [ORCHESTRA] button light? If not, press it.
■The organ sounds are not available
Does the [ORCHESTRA] indicator light? Press it so
that its indicator goes dark.
■Two sounds are produced when the keyboard is
Did you press a MANUAL II tilt tab (whose indicator
now lights)? Switch it off.
■The pitch of the keyboard seems incorrect
Is the [TUNE] setting correct (page 16)?
Is the transpose setting correct (page 17)?
Is the temperament setting correct (page 17)?
■The C-190 does not respond to your playing
Did you select the Demo mode? Leave that mode
(page 10).
■While the ORCHESTRA indicator lights, some
sounds are transposed one octave down when a
PEDAL sound is selected
This is normal and intended to provide a more natu-
ral distribution of the pitches for the left and right
■The MANUAL I sound is not available to the left
of the split point
Did you switch on at least one MANUAL I tilt tab after
switching off the [II÷I] tilt tab?
■Bass notes sound wrong/buzzing or vibration
If you don’t hear the problem in the headphones:
When playing at high volumes, resonance may occur
in the instrument itself, or in objects near the C-190.
At times, other objects in the room, such as fluores-
cent lights or glass doors, could start vibrating. To
minimize such unwanted resonance, please observe
the following:
• Locate the instrument at least 10~15 cm away from
the walls.
• Reduce the volume.
• Increase the distance from the object that is resonat-
If you can hear the problem in the headphones, there
may be another reason. Please contact your dealer.
■When the C-190 is connected to an external
Are the connections between the C-190 and the MIDI
sequencer or the other external device correct
(page 23)?
C-190: Roland Portable Organ
■ Keyboard
76 keys (velocity sensitive for orchestral sounds)
(Velocity messages are always transmitted to the MIDI OUT
■ Tone generation & sounds
PCM sound generation, 128-voice polyphony
Newly sampled waveforms + the best PCM samples from
the Roland sound libraries
● PEDAL division—Subbass 16’, Principal Bass 16’, Violon
Bass 16’, OctaveBass 8’, Gedackt 8’, Bombarde 16’, Trumpet
8’, Choral Bass 4’, Clarine 4’
● MANUAL I division—Principal 8’, Diapason 8’, Bourdon
8’, Spitzflöte 4’, Rohrflöte 4’, Principal 4’, Octave 2’, Wald-
flöte 2’, Mixture IV 1-1/3’, Sesquialtera II 1-1/3’, Sifflet 1’,
Trompete 8’, Trompette 8’, Regal 8’, Trompete 4’
● MANUAL II division—Bourdon 8’, Flute 8’, Geigen Prin-
cipal 8’, Gemshorn 8’, Viole Celeste II 8’, Salicional 8’,
Gambe 16’, Prestant 4’, Koppelflöte 4’, Fugara 4’,
Quinte 2-2/3’, Doublette 2’, Tierce 1-1/3’, Scharff III 1’, Vox
Humana 8’, Fagott 16’, Krummhorn 8’, Hautbois 8’,
Clarion 4’
■ Orchestral tones
14 (3 for PEDAL, 5 for MANUAL I, 6 for MANUAL II)
■ Digital effect
Reverb with adjustable depth
■ Demo songs
28 complete songs, divided into 4 groups: Wedding,
Orchestra, Bach and Variety