Here are three more examples.
With this structure, signals going into MFX 1 continue on into MFX 2 so
that both effects are applied. Signals going to MFX 3 remain separate.
With this structure, signals going into MFX 1 and MFX 2 are processed
separately, and then MFX 3’s effect is added to both.
With this structure, all three MFX processors add their effects to the
signal in order as it passes from MFX 1 to MFX 2 to MFX 3.
Chorus and Reverb
To select chorus or reverb effects:
1. Press EFFECTS, and then F5 (Chorus) or F6 (Reverb).
2. Select the desired algorithm.
Sending Sounds to Effects
In this section, we’ll describe how to route sounds into effects.
In each case—with patch tones, rhythm set drum keys and
parts—there are a couple of screens on which you can do this.
We’ll be presenting the screens most commonly used, though
you can use whichever screen you like at any time.
In Patch Mode
During Patch/Rhythm Set Creation and Editing
When you’re creating or editing:
• patches—you can set the output of each patch tone.
• rhythm sets—you can set the output of each drum key.
The chorus or reverb you hear—and edit—depends on the effect Routing
screen‘s Chorus Source and Reverb Source settings. Before setting up a
chorus or reverb for use with a keyboard or pad sound, select the keyboard
or pad part as the Chorus Source or Reverb Source so your chorus or reverb
settings are saved with the patch or rhythm set you’re editing.
After you set up a patch or rhythm set’s effect routing, write the patch or
rhythm set into user or card memory to preserve your settings.
Effect Routing in Patch Programming
To send tones to the desired effects and set their output levels,
select the patch, press PATCH EDIT, and then F6 (Pro Edit). Press
F2 (↓) until the Output tab is selected.