Parameter list
System parameters
Parameter Display Range Parameter function
Transpose -12–12 Transposes
Tuning 427.4–452.6 (Hz) Adjusts the tuning
Sync mode INT, SLAVE,
Specifies the tempo reference for synchronization
Sync out OFF, ON Specifies whether synchronization-related MIDI messages will be transmitted
MIDI channel 1–16, OFF Specifies the MIDI channel. Set this to OFF if you don’t want MIDI messages to
be transmitted or received
Device ID 17–32 Specifies the device ID
Soft thru OFF, ON Specifies whether received MIDI messages will be retransmitted from the MIDI
OUT connector
Local switch OFF, ON Specifies whether the controller section will transmit MIDI messages to the DSP
synthesizer section
Receive program
OFF, ON Specifies whether program changes will be received
Receive control
OFF, ON Specifies whether control change messages will be received
Receive pitch bend OFF, ON Specifies whether pitch bend messages will be received
Receive system ex-
OFF, ON Specifies whether system exclusive messages will be received
Transmit program
OFF, ON Specifies whether program change messages will be transmitted
Bulk dump PTN, PRC, ALL Transmits the currently selected pattern and process patch, or all patterns, pro-
cess patches, and system settings
Bulk load — Load bulk data
Loop load — Load a loop from a memory card into the audio looper
Loop save — Save a loop to memory card
Loop delete — Delete a loop from memory card
All load — Load all loops and internal settings into the MC-09
All save — Save all loops and internal settings to a memory card
All delete — Delete all loops and internal settings from the memory card
Card format — Format a memory card for use by the MC-09
Factory reset — Return the MC-09 to the factory-set condition
Select the parameter Setting End the settingSetup Decide the parameter