About Patch Loading
How Many Patches at a Time?
Whenever you’ve got the MV-8000 turned on, you’re in one of
the songs in the currently loaded project. For each song in a
project, you can load and use up to 16 patches at a time.
To learn more about what a project is, see the MV-8000 Creating a New Project
Workshop booklet.
Each patch is played by one of the song’s
16 “parts.” You can think of each part as a
separate instrument—in fact, to display the
song’s parts and their patches, you press
the INSTRUMENTS button.
To try out any of these
patches, select its part,
and then play the pads
or a connected MIDI
When you save a project, each song’s patches—and the
samples they play—are automatically saved with the project.
All the Patches That Fit
Before you play or work on a project, the project is loaded into
the MV-8000’s RAM (for “Random Access Memory”). RAM also
holds all of a project’s samples, patches, and songs.
Depending on how many samples a project has, and how
long they are, it’s possible to be out of room when you
attempt to load a patch. If you’re just getting into your
MV-8000, though, it’s not likely to happen very soon.
The MV-8000 ships from the factory with generous 128 MB of
RAM. If you need more, you can expand it up to 512 MB, as
explained in the MV-8000 Owner’s Manual.
RAM is cleared whenever you power off the MV-8000, so it’s always
important to save your project before you turn off the MV-8000.
Where a Loaded Patch Goes
You can load patches:
• from the current project’s library—into the currently selected
• in the MV-8000 PATCHES folder or in another project—into
any part and/or add it to the current project’s library.
Load a patch into a part, or
load it into the project library.
A Patch Needs a Part to Play It
When you want to load a patch from the current project’s
library, you start by selecting the part that’ll play it—once
you’ve done this, you can then load the patch into the part.
If you’re loading a patch from the PATCHES folder or another
project, you select the part to be used as you load the patch.
We’ll explain how to do both of these things later.