Owner’s Manual
• Floppy disks have a “WRITE” tab which can protect the disk from
accidental erasure. It is recommended that the tab be kept in
the PROTECT position, and moved to the WRITE position only
when you wish to write new data onto the disk.
• Disks containing important performance data for this instru-
ment should always be locked (have their write protect tab slid
to the PROTECT position) before you insert them into the drive
of another instrument.
• The identification label should be firmly affixed to the disk. If
the label comes loose while the disk is in the drive, it may be
difficult to remove the disk.
• Put the disk back into its case for storage.
Before using a SmartMedia™ card
• Only SmartMedia cards formatted on the DisCover 5 can be used.
• Be sure to insert the memory card all the way into the slot.
• Do not touch the contacts of the memory card, or allow them to
become soiled.
• Never remove the memory card or turn off the power while an
operation –such as reading or writing data, or formatting– is being
performed on the memory card. Never remove or connect the card
while the DisCover 5 is on. Doing so can destroy the data on the
memory card and/or render the memory card itself unusable.
• If you affix the write-protect label to the write-protect area of the
memory card, you will not be able to format the card or write data
to it. If you wish to format the card or write data to it, do so with-
out the label affixed. For details on the write-protect sticker, refer
to the owner’s manual for your memory card.
• If you attempt to format a card or write data to it when the write-
protect label is affixed, an error message will appear. In that case,
either insert another card or remove the write-protect label.
• At power-on, do not remove/insert a SmartMedia card while the
DisCover 5 is updating its internal data (wait until the messages
“Song database checking…” and “User Program database
checking…” have disappeared).
• Make sure that the memory card is oriented correctly, and push it
all the way into the slot. The gold contacts must face downward.
• Never turn on the power when a memory card is inserted partway
into the slot. Doing so will damage the data in internal memory.
Memory cards usable with the DisCover 5
• The DisCover 5 can use commercially available Smart Media mem-
ory cards. You can purchase such cards at a computer shop or dig-
ital camera dealer.
• Memory cards you purchase must meet the following conditions.
• Power supply voltage: 3.3 V
• Capacity: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128MB
• The DisCover 5 cannot use SmartMedia of types other than the
Liability and copyright
• Should data contained and stored on the SmartMedia card be lost,
it is unfortunately impossible to restore them. Roland Europe
S.p.A. assumes no liability concerning such loss of data.
• Unauthorized recording, distribution, sale, lending, public perfor-
mance, broadcasting, or the like in whole or in part, of a work
(musical composition, video, broadcast, public performance, or the
like) whose copyright is held by a third party is prohibited by law.
• Do not use this unit for purposes that could infringe on a copy-
right held by a third party. Roland assumes no responsibility what-
soever with regard to any infringements of third-party copyrights
arising through your use of this unit.
Rear side of the disk
(you can save data to the disk)
(you cannot save data)
Protect tab
• SmartMedia is a trademark of Toshiba Corp.
• All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
• DisCover 5 IT. PAT. PEND.