• If you enter more than 13 cards for any
position, or if you enter a card that has
been used, an error beep will sound.
• If you enter less than 13 cards for any
position, the computer will randomly fill in
the additional cards when you play.
• You can also use the Cursor Keys to
enter cards, in the same manner as
during bidding or play.
• If you make a mistake or change your
mind while entering a card, press the
same key again to deselect it. If you've
just pressed Q, for example, press Q
again to cancel the input. If you're using
the Cursor Keys, cancel your input by
pressing , to move the cards back up to
Line 1, starting with the lowest card of
the current suit.
• If you change your mind and decide not
to edit the hand after all, press
ESCAPE to cancel and return to the
previous menu.
4.3 Changing the Dealer/Vulnerability
[Edit Menu Item: PED
This option allows you to change the dealer
and vulnerability settings.
To select this option:
a. Access the Edit Menu (PEDR), as noted
at the beginning of Section 4.
b. Press
X to select the letter D for
Change D/V.
c. Press ENTER. Line 1 = WNES -NEB,
WNES = West/North/East/South
- = Neither side vulnerable
N = North/South vulnerable
E = East/West vulnerable
B = Both sides vulnerable.
Line 2 = Current settings, as in D:N
V:Nil, where:
D:N = Dealer North
V:Nil = Neither side vulnerable
d. Press
X to select W, N, E, or S for
dealer. With the appropriate character
flashing, press
T to move your choice to
Line 2. If you select E, for example, and
then press
T, Line 2 will show D:E,
with East as dealer.
e. Continue to press
X to select -, N, E, or
B for the vulnerability option.
With the appropriate character flashing,
T to move your choice down to
Line 2. If you select E, for example, and
T, Line 2 will now show V:EW,
with East/West vulnerable.
f. Press ENTER to confirm and return to
the Edit Menu. Notice that the
Vulnerability Indicator has changed to
reflect the new setting, if any.
4.4 Rotating the Hands
[Edit Menu Item: PEDR
This option lets you rotate the hands, along
with the dealer and vulnerability, in a
clockwise direction. Setting this option will
cause the following changes to be made:
Previous Setting New Setting
South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .West
West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .North
North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .East
East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .South
Previous Setting New Setting
Nil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nil
EW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NS
NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EW
All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .All
To select this option:
a. Access the Edit Menu (PEDR), as noted
at the beginning of Section 4.
b. Press
X to select the letter R for Rotate
c. Press ENTER, and the computer will
change the settings internally, as shown
above. It will then return you to the Edit
Menu, with the P flashing for Play
this deal. To play from the new
position, press ENTER.