Instant Cook Chart
The cooking time of 3.0 oz. microwave-popcorn depends on the brand.
Cooking time is adjustable for desired taste by using the number pads and following the
package instructions.
Item Weight Remarks
Popcorn 3.5 oz
3.0-3.5 oz
• Use one microwave-only bag of popcorn.
• Use caution when removing and opening hot bag
from oven
• To help prevent the popcorn bag from getting stuck
in the oven, fold each end of the bag up one inch
( ) before placing the bag in the center of the
• If it still gets stuck, open the door and reposition
the bag, close the door and press start.
Frozen Dinner
MW650BA only)
7-10 oz
10-12 oz
• Remove package from outerwrapping and follow
package instructions for covering and standing.
After cooking, let stand 1-3 min.
Pizza 1 Slice
2 Slices
• Put the pizza on a microwave-safe plate with wide
end of slice towards the outside edge of the plate.
• Do not let slices overlap. Do not cover.
• Before serving, let stand 1-2 min.
Beverage ½ cup
1 cup
2 cups
• Use measuring cup or mug; do not cover.
• Place the beverage in the oven.
• After heating, stir well.