4 Twin Guard Series
-86°C Ultra-Low Freezers www.twinguardseries.com
SANYO Twin Guard Series
-86°C Ultra-Low Freezers
Twin Guard Series
-86ºC Ultra-Low Freezers Features
Designed for long-term storage of stem cells, cord blood, T-cells, engineered tissue, organ/tissue,
bone marrow, hybridomas, lymphocytes, cancer cells, clinical specimens, broblasts and other life
science samples.
Twin Guard Series
Features, Benefits and Performance Advantages
What It Is What It Does Why It Is Important
Energy-Efcient Refrigeration Microprocessor control over all cooling functions
delivers cooling on demand.
Optimizes run time to minimize energy consumption.
SANYO Cool Safe
Compressors Designed specically for ultra-low applications to reduce
compressor temperature & improve longevity
Increases compressor longevity and reliability. Reduces
heat output to room and lowers HVAC loads in room.
Environmentally Friendly
Eliminates potential for ozone depletion while
maintaining cooling capacity.
Complies with the Montreal Protocol and IEC
for safety and efciency.
Integrated Control Center Combines all control, alarm, monitoring and data
management functions into a single system.
High visibility LCD alphanumeric display provides a conve-
nient user interface to setpoints, alarm parameters, internal
diagnostics, communications and security.
Cabinet Design Integrates inventory management, access
and site installation.
Cabinet design attributes include high-strength, lockable
door latches and doors, latchable inner doors, adjustable
shelves, locking casters and seismic restraints to simplify
operation, installation and to satisfy local codes.
Compliant to International
Assures quality standards, safety and performance
criteria are met or exceeded.
Essential for compliance with LEEDs, RoHS, OSHA
other third-party standards and recommended practices.
Green Design Attributes Integrates design, construction, refrigeration and operation
functions into an energy efcient friendly system.
Minimizes carbon footprint, assists building owners
in LEED Certication best practices.
Ergonomic Design One-handed outer and inner door latches and quiet-running
compressors improve convenience, minimize sound.
Easy access to controls, displays, inventory racks,
while low noise operation permits a wider choice of
installation locations.
Improved cell viability through SANYO Ultra-Low Refrigeration Technology
SANYO Refrigeration Delivers
Uniform Temperature
The SANYO cascade refrigeration
system uses SANYO designed compres-
sors for high-performance, reliability and
of mind. Refrigeration components
are carefully selected and matched for
optimum operation under demanding
laboratory environments.
• Increased reserve cooling capacity
improves temperature recovery after
door openings.
• Quieter operation is achieved through
condenser fan blade design, noise
abatement insulation and anti-vibration
• Voltage boost and surge protection
devices permit dependable operation
over wider power ranges and environ-
mental conditions.