34 S1A10386 10/2009
Supervision and control in LINE mode
The Altivar control process using the communication bus is based on the CiA 402 profile status chart compatible with the IEC 61800-7
standard. Each state represents an aspect of the internal behaviour of the drive.
This chart evolves according to whether the control word is sent (CMD W8501) or an event occurs (example: lock following malfunction).
The drive status can be identified by the value of the status word (ETA W3201).
Not ready to switch on (Initialization):
Communication is being initialized.
Transient state invisible to the communication bus.
Switch on disabled (Configuration):
Initialization of the drive is complete.
The configuration and adjustment parameters can be modified.
If all or part of the configuration and settings are to be loaded, we recommend disabling the consistency check function during the transfer
(CMI W8504, bit 15 = 1). On completion of the transfer, the consistency check must be enabled (CMI W8504, bit 15 = 0).
The drive is locked.
Ready to switch on and Switched on (Drive initialized):
The drive is locked.
The power stage of the drive is ready to operate, but voltage has not yet been applied to the output.
The configuration and adjustment parameters can be modified, but modifying a configuration parameter returns the drive to the "Switch on
disabled" state.
Operation enabled (Operational):
The drive is unlocked and voltage can be applied to the motor terminals.
[Auto tuning] (tUn) requires an injection of current. The drive must therefore be in this state to perform this command.
The adjustment parameters can be modified even if a run command or a DC injection current is present. However, a configuration parameter
can only be modified if the motor is stopped, and this returns the drive to the "Switch on disabled" state.
Quick stop active (Emergency stop active):
Fast stop
Restarting is only possible after the drive has changed to the "Switch on disabled" state.
Malfunction reaction active (Reaction on fault detection):
Transient state during which the drive performs an action appropriate to the type of detected fault.
Malfunction (Detected fault):
The drive is locked.
Difference between a fast stop and a Quick stop
A fast stop (CMD = 16#400F) is a stop on a short ramp that maintains the drive in the "Operation enabled" state.
The drive remains locked after a fast stop.
A run command can be executed immediately after a fast stop.
A Quick stop (CMD = 16#0002) is an emergency stop that causes a stop on a short ramp followed by locking in the "Quick stop active" state.
To be able to restart the drive, you must first change to the "Switch on disabled" state via the "Disable voltage" command (CMD = 16#0000).
It is not possible, therefore, to execute a run command immediately after a Quick stop.
In access level L1 or L2 (parameter LAC):
• Priorities between channels are managed by the drive.
• At switch-on, the drive is in control via the terminals and changes automatically to the "Operation enabled" state. This means that, when
a run command is applied (for example: CMD = 16#000F), it starts without needing to follow the IEC 61800-7 status chart procedure.
When the drive is controlled via a communication bus, it is advisable to configure the access level LAC = L3:
• The active channel is set by configuring the following parameters: [Profile] (CHCF), [Ref. 2 switching] (rFC), [Cmd switching] (CCS), [Cmd
channel 1] (Cd1), [Cmd channel 2] (Cd2), [Ref.1 channel] (Fr1) and [Ref.2 channel] (Fr2).
• At switch-on, the drive configured for control via the bus changes to the "Switch on disabled" state. This means that it must follow the IEC
61800-7 status chart procedure to be able to start, and to help prevent any unwanted behaviour.