
Setup Steps for Administrators
BlackArmor® NAS 110 User Guide 22
3. Customize the account as required:
User Name: Name user enters when logging in
Admin Rights: Sets the user as a BlackArmor administrator
Full Name: User’s name
Password and Confirm Password: Up to 15 alphanumeric characters that user enters
when logging in
Group: Group of users to which this account belongs, if any
Create User Private Share: Whether or not BlackArmor Manager should create a new
private share for this account
Volume: Which volume (if there is more than one) the private share should be created in
Services: Which type(s) of file service should be supported by the private share
4. Click Submit.
The new account appears in the list of user accounts.
Note: You can make it faster and easier to manage access to shares by sorting users into user
groups. User groups allow you to modify share access for individuals or entire groups from a
single window. See “Creating and Modifying User Groups” on page 36 for more information.
Distributing BlackArmor NAS 110 User Information
Once you have created user accounts, provide these items to each BlackArmor user so they
can get started using your BlackArmor NAS 110 server:
The BlackArmor Discovery software
The BlackArmor Backup software (optional)
The user’s BlackArmor NAS 110 log in name and password
The names of the shares that the user has access to, and the limitations of their
access—read-only, for instance—if any
A copy of this guide and the section the user should read to get started with the
BlackArmor NAS 110 server (“BlackArmor Users Start Here” on page 15)
You can create copies of the software for each BlackArmor user from the supplied CD or
download what you need from www.seagate.com/support