1.7 Power specifications
The drive receives DC power (+5V or +12V) through a four-pin standard
drive power connector.
1.7.1 Power consumption
Power requirements for the drive are listed in the table below. Typical power
measurements are based on an average of drives tested under nominal
conditions, using 5.0V and 12.0V input voltages at room temperature.
Spinup current is measured from the time of power-on to the time that
the drive spindle reaches operating speed.
During seek mode the read/write actuator arm moves toward a specific
position on the disc surface before executing a read or write operation.
Servo electronics are active. Seek mode power is measured through the
drive’s serial port while the drive executes a series of sequential seeks.
Operating power and current are measured using 40% random seeks,
40% read/write mode (1 write for each 10 reads), and 20% drive inactive.
Idle mode power is measured with the drive up to speed, servo electron-
ics are active, and the heads are left in a random track location.
During standby mode the drive accepts commands, but the drive is not
spinning, and the servo and read/write electronics are in power-down
Mode Typical Watts RMS Typical Amps RMS
5V 12V
Spinup 0.5 1.6 (Peak)
Seeking 4.3 0.425 0.180
Read/Write 4.6 0.440 0.200
Idle 4.5 0.440 0.190
Standby 1.0 0.20 —
Sleep 0.7 0.140 —
8 Medalist 3240 and Medalist 2531 Product Manual, Rev. A