
Momentus Product Manual, Rev. B 35
Read Verify Sectors Extended 24
Read Verify Sectors without Retries 24
Read/write heads 6
Read/write power 4
read/write power and current 9
Recording density 4, 7
Recording method 7
Recording technology 7
Relative humidity 5, 13
Reliability 16
resistance 11
Retries 24
RF 15
RoHS 18
RRL 17
S.M.A.R.T. 25
S.M.A.R.T. implementation 24
Safety certification 16
SATA 7, 22
screws 14, 21
sector 6
sectors 6
Sectors per track 6
Security Disable Password 25
Security Erase Prepare 25
Security Erase Unit 25
Security Freeze Lock 25
Security Set Password 25
Security Unlock 25
Seek 24
seek mode 9
Seek power 4
Seek time 8
seek time 4
Seeking 9
Self refresh, low power 12
Serial ATA 7
Serial ATA (SATA) interface 22
serial ATA ports 3
servo electronics 9
Set Features 24
Set Max Address 24
Set Multiple Mode 24
Shock 14
Shock, nonoperating 5
Shock, operating 5
single-track seeks 8
Sleep 9, 25
Sleep mode 5, 12
sound power 5
Specification summary table 4
Spindle speed 4, 7
Spinup 9
spinup power 9
Standby 9, 25
Standby Immediate 25
Standby mode 5, 9, 12
Standby to Ready 8
Standby to ready 4
Start/stop times 8
Startup current 4
static-discharge 19
support services 1
Surge immunity 15
technical support services 1
temperature 5, 8, 13
Temperature gradient 5, 13
timers 12
Track density 4, 7
Track-to-track seek time 4, 8
TUV North America 16
UL 1950 16
Vibration 14
Vibration, nonoperating 5
Vibration, operating 5
Voltage dips, interrupts 15
Voltage tolerance 5, 11
Warranty 16
Weight 4
weight 7
Wet bulb temperature 5, 13
Width 4
width 7
Write Buffer 25
Write DMA 25
Write DMA Extended 25
Write Long with Retries 25
Write Long without Retries 25
Write Multiple 25
Write Sectors 25