42 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
- lower than the Port_Name in the payload, the NL_Port transmits a LISM loop initialization
sequence with the payload containing its Port_Name.
- higher than the Port_name in the payload, the NL_Port retransmits the received Loop Initial-
ization Sequence.
Each L_Port continues with steps 2a through 2d.
c. If the L_Port receives an ARB(F0), it continues at step 4.
d. If it receives anything else, the value is discarded and the port continues with steps 2a to 2d.
3. Loop master — transmit remaining Loop Initialization Sequences
a. The loop master continuously transmits ARB(F0)s until its receives its own ARBx (ARB(F0)).
b. The L_Port transmits the LIFA, LIPA, LIHA, and LISA loop initialization sequences. These sequences
contain a 16-byte AL_PA bit map in the payload. Each bit represents one AL_PA. See figure 10 and
tables 12 and 16.
Except for the L_bit, each bit in table Table 16 represents a valid AL_PA. The L_bit is set by the
FL_Port or F/NL_Port to indicate that the configuration has changed. Setting the L_bit implicitly logs
out all NL_Ports. Private NL_Ports are implicitly logged out since the public NL_Ports with which they
may have been communicating, may have a new AL_PA.
The loop master transmits the four loop initialization sequences that contain the 16-byte AL_PA bit
maps as follows:
The L_Port primes the AL_PA bit map with binary zero (0) and sets the bit that corresponds to its Fab-
ric Assigned AL_PA to one (1). If the L_Port is an FL_Port, it sets the bit associated with AL_PA 00h.
The L_bit is set if this is the first initialization attempt of an FL_Port or of an NL_Port that has assumed
the role of an F/NL_Port.
The L_Port primes the AL_PA bit map with the AL_PA bit map of the previous LIFA loop initialization
sequence. The L_Port checks to see if the bit that corresponds to its previously acquired AL_PA is set.
If it is not set to 1, the L_Port sets the bit (unless a bit was set in LIFA); if the bit is already set to 1, the
L_Port assumes a soft assigned AL_PA.
The L_Port primes the AL_PA bit map with the AL_PA bit map of the previous LIPA loop initialization
sequence. The L_Port checks to see if the bit that corresponds to its hard assigned AL_PA is set. If it is
not set to 1, the L_Port sets the bit (unless a bit was set in LIFA or LIPA); if the bit is already set to 1,
the L_Port assumes a soft assigned AL_PA.
If ESI activity is underway when the request for the hard address is received, the drive shall use the
last known value of the hard address before the current ESI activity started. For more information on
ESI, refer to Section 10.5.
Table 16: Loop initialization sequence AL_PA bit map
1098 7654 3210
L000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000