Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 63
Initiator Control
The transmit capabilities of the initiator in the PLOGI. The drive returns an LS_RJT to PLOGI requests that do not satisfy
the drive’s requirements. The Initiator Control bits in the PLOGI ACC indicate the capabilities of the drive. The drive returns
zero (0) for all bits that are not applicable for class 3 services and for all reserved bits.
N_Port End to End Credit
Not valid for class 3.
Open Sequences per Exchange
Must be greater than zero (0). The drive returns 01h in the PLOGI ACC.
The PLOGI ACC returns the drive’s parameters to the initiator. The PLOGI ACC Payload has the same definition as the
PLOGI Payload except the LS Command Code.
Receive Data Field Size
A class 3 service parameter. Current drives check this field for the range 256 < fs < 2112 and a multiple of four bytes. For
multiple frame sequences, all frames but the last frame of the sequence must be this size. The drive uses the receive buffer
field size in the class 3 parameters when it sends frames. The drive returns the receive buffer field size in the class 3
parameters from the initiator in the PLOGI ACC.
Recipient Control
Indicates the receive capabilities of the initiator in the PLOGI. The Recipient Control bits in the PLOGI ACC indicate the
capabilities of the drive. The drive returns zero (0) for all bits that are not applicable for class 3 services and for all reserved
Table 27: Initiator Control fields
Option Drive requirement
X_ID (Exchange Identifier) Reassignment Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
Initial Process Associator
00 Initial Process Associator not supported.
01 Initial Process Associator supported.
10 Reserved.
11 Initial Process Associator
Values of 10 or 11 cause the Login to be rejected. Other values are
ACK_0 (Acknowledge 0) Capable Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
ACK_N (Acknowledge N) Capable Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
Table 28: Recipient Control fields
Option Drive requirement
ACK_0 (Acknowledge 0) Capable Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
ACK_N (Acknowledge N) Capable Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
X_ID (Exchange Identifier) Interlock Not applicable. Not valid for class 3.
Error Policy
00 Only discard supported.
01 Reserved.
10 Discard and process supported.
11 Reserved.
The drive supports only the discard error policy. It does not check the Error Policy
bits in the PLOGI as all FC devices are required to support the discard policy. The
drive returns 00 in the PLOGI ACC.