
20 Pulsar XT.2 SAS Product Manual, Rev. B Short and extended tests
DST has two testing options:
1. short
2. extended
These testing options are described in the following two subsections.
Each test consists of two segments: an electrical test segment and a read/verify scan segment.
Short test (Function Code: 001b)
The purpose of the short test is to provide a time-limited test that tests as much of the drive as possible within
120 seconds. The short test does not scan the entire media contents, but does some fundamental tests and
scans portions of the media. A complete read/verify scan is not performed and only factual failures will report a
"diagnostic failed" condition. This option provides a quick confidence test of the drive.
Extended test (Function Code: 010b)
The objective of the extended test option is to empirically test critical drive components. The read operation
tests the media contents. The integrity of the media is checked through a read/verify scan of the media.
The anticipated length of the Extended test is reported through the Control Mode page. Log page entries
When the drive begins DST, it creates a new entry in the Self-test Results Log page. The new entry is created
by inserting a new self-test parameter block at the beginning of the self-test results log parameter section of the
log page. Existing data will be moved to make room for the new parameter block. The drive reports 20 param-
eter blocks in the log page. If there are more than 20 parameter blocks, the least recent parameter block will be
deleted. The new parameter block will be initialized as follows:
1. The Function Code field is set to the same value as sent in the DST command
2. The Self-Test Results Value field is set to Fh
3. The drive will store the log page to non-volatile memory
After a self-test is complete or has been aborted, the drive updates the Self-Test Results Value field in its Self-
Test Results Log page in non-volatile memory. The host may use LOG SENSE to read the results from up to
the last 20 self-tests performed by the drive. The self-test results value is a 4-bit field that reports the results of
the test. If the field is set to zero, the drive passed with no errors detected by the DST. If the field is not set to
zero, the test failed for the reason reported in the field.
The drive will report the failure condition and LBA (if applicable) in the Self-test Results Log parameter. The
Sense key, ASC, ASCQ, and FRU are used to report the failure condition. Abort
There are several ways to abort a diagnostic. Applications can use a SCSI Bus Reset or a Bus Device Reset
message to abort the diagnostic.
Applications can abort a DST executing in background mode by using the abort code in the DST Function
Code field. This will cause a 01 (self-test aborted by the application client) code to appear in the self-test
results values log. All other abort mechanisms will be reported as a 02 (self-test routine was interrupted by a
reset condition).