Elite 23 Installation Guide, Rev. A 9
SeaBOARD is a computer bulletin board system that contains
information about Seagate Technology disc and tape drive prod-
ucts and is available 24 hours daily. Set your communications
software to eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8-N-1).
SeaBOARD phone numbers are listed in the following table.
Seagate Technology Forum on CompuServe
Online technical support for Seagate products is available on
CompuServe. To access our technical support forum, type
. This forum provides information similar to that found on
SeaBOARD. In addition, you can type questions or browse
through previous questions and answers on the forum mes-
BBS Location Modem number
United States Disc: 408-434-1081;
Tape: 408-456-4415
England 44-1628-478011
France 33 1-48 25 35 95
Germany 49-89-140-9331
Singapore 65-292-6973
Thailand 662-531-8111
Australia 61-2-9756-2359
Taiwan 886-2-719-6075