
Pulsar Product Manual, Rev. A 33
14 Shall be set to one
15 Shall be cleared to zero
Bit Word 119
0 Reserved
1 Write-Read-Verify feature set is supported
2 WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT command is supported
3 READ LOG DMA EXT and WRITE LOG DMA EXT commands are supported
4 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command with mode 3 is supported
5 Free-fall Control feature set is supported
6 Extended Status Reporting feature set is supported
7 Extended Power Conditions feature set is supported
8-13 Reserved
14 Shall be set to one
15 Shall be cleared to zero
Bit Word 119
2 WRITE UNCORRECTABLE EXT command is supported
3 READ LOG DMA EXT and WRITE LOG DMA EXT commands are supported
4 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command with mode 3 is supported
14 Shall be set to one
15 Shall be cleared to zero