
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Product Manual, Rev. D
9.3 SCSI commands supported
Table 17 lists the SCSI commands supported by Savvio drives.
Table 17: Commands supported by Savvio SAS family drive
Command name Command code Supported
Change Definition 40h N
Compare 39h N
Copy 18h N
Copy and Verify 3Ah N
Format Unit [1] 04h Y
DPRY bit supported N
DCRT bit supported Y
STPF bit supported Y
IP bit supported Y
DSP bit supported Y
IMMED bit supported Y
VS (vendor specific) N
Inquiry 12h Y
Date Code page (C1h) Y
Device Behavior page (C3h) Y
Firmware Numbers page (C0h) Y
Implemented Operating Def page (81h) Y
Jumper Settings page (C2h) Y
Supported Vital Product Data page (00h) Y
Unit Serial Number page (80h) Y
Lock-unlock cache 36h N
Log Select 4Ch Y
PCR bit Y
DU bit N
DS bit Y
TSD bit Y
ETC bit N
TMC bit N
LP bit N
Protocol-specific Log Page for SAS (18h) Y
Log Sense 4Dh Y
Application Client Log page (0Fh) Y
Buffer Over-run/Under-run page (01h) N
Cache Statistics page (37h) Y
Factory Log page (3Eh) Y
Information Exceptions Log page (2Fh) N