
drive types your BIOS supports. Another method is to run the
FINDTYPE.EXE utility program, available from Seagate Techni-
cal Support services (on the SeaBOARD BBS) as described in
Appendix C.
The methods used to configure system BIOS vary from system
to system. In many cases you can run a setup program from the
DOS prompt. In other cases, you must initiate BIOS setup by
pressing certain keys while the system is booting up.
Within the setup program, there are three possible ways that you
can specify your drive type:
Match your drive specifications (from the table below) with
those of a drive type specified in the setup program.
Specify a custom or user-defined drive type in the setup
program, then manually enter your drive specifications from
the table below.
Select specifications lower than those required for your drive,
and allow your drive to mimic the drive type selected.
Drive Specification ST9080A
ST9145A &
ST9235A &
No. cylinders 823 980 985
No. read/write heads 4 15 13
No. sectors per track 38 17 32
Total No. sectors 125,096 249,900 409,760
Capacity (Mbytes)
BIOS calculated 61.0 122.0 200.0
Usable 64.0 127.9 209.7
When the drive specifications are entered manually as a user-
defined or custom drive type, the BIOS should display a drive
capacity equal to that listed as BIOS calculated capacity in the
6 ST9235 Family Installation Guide, Rev. B