
Seagate support services
For online information about Seagate products, visit www.seagate.com or
e-mail your disc questions to DiscSupport@Seagate.com.
If you need help installing your drive, consult your dealer first. If you need
additional help, call a Seagate technical support specialist. Before calling,
note your system configuration and drive model number (ST973401FC,
ST936701FC or ST336754FC).
Africa +1-405-324-4714 Netherlands 00 800-47324283
Australia 1800-14-7201 New Zealand 0800-443988
Austria 0 800-20 12 90 Norway 00 800-47324283
Belgium 00 800-47324283 Poland 00 800-311 12 38
China* 800-810-9668 Spain 00 800-47324283
Denmark 00 800-47324283 Sweden 00 800-47324283
France 00 800-47324283 Switzerland 00 800-47324283
Germany 00 800-47324283 Singapore 800-1101-150
Hong Kong 800-90-0474 Taiwan* 00-800-0830-1730
Hong Kong†001-800-0830-1730 Thailand 001-800-11-0032165
India 1-600-33-1104 Turkey 00 800-31 92 91 40
Indonesia 001-803-1-003-2165 United Kingdom 00 800-47324283
Ireland 00 800-47324283 USA/Canada/ 1-800 SEAGATE or
Italy 00 800-47324283 Latin America +1-405-324-4700
Japan 0034 800 400 554 Other European
Malaysia 1-800-80-2335 countries +1-405-324-4714
Middle East +1-405-324-4714
Warranty. Contact your place of purchase or our web site (www.seagate.com).
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). Before returning the drive, verify that it
is defective. Seagate Worldwide customer service centers are the only facilities autho-
rized to service Seagate drives. Contact nearest center for return procedures and trade
Shipping the drive
Caution. Back up the data before shipping. Seagate assumes no responsibility for
data lost during shipping or service. Shipping drive in an unapproved container voids
the warranty. Pack the drive with original box and packing materials. Use no other
materials. This prevents electrical and physical damage in transit.
© 2004 Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved
Publication number: 100293078, Rev. A, April 2004, Printed in U.S.A.
Seagate and Seagate Technology are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology
LLC. Savvio and the Wave logo are trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. Other
product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their owners. Seagate
reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications.