
24 Savvio 10K.4 SAS Product Manual, Rev. A
[2] For +12 V, a –10% tolerance is allowed during initial spindle start but must return to ±5% before reaching
9,936 RPM. The ±5% must be maintained after the drive signifies that its power-up sequence has been
completed and that the drive is able to accept selection by the host initiator.
[3] See +12V current profile in Figure 16.
[4] This condition occurs after OOB and Speed Negotiation completes but before the drive has received the
Notify Spinup primitive.
[5] See paragraph 6.3.1, "Conducted noise immunity." Specified voltage tolerance includes ripple, noise, and
transient response.
[6] Operating condition is defined as random 8 block reads.
[7] During idle, the drive heads are relocated every 30 seconds to a random location within the band from
three-quarters to maximum track.