the full capacity of the drive, and a user-defined drive type is
not available, use a third-party partitioning utility.
• Run FDISK again and make the partitions smaller. If you are
using a version of DOS prior to Version 4.0, make the drive
partitions smaller than 32 Mbytes.
At startup, the messages, “Disk Boot Failure,” “Non-System
Disk,” or “No ROM Basic - SYSTEM HALTED,” appear.
• Run the FDISK program and make sure the primary partition
is marked active.
• Check all cables.
• Check your DOS version.
• Reinstall the DOS system files onto the hard disc using the
SYS command (see your DOS manual).
• Check for viruses.
During operation, the system error message, “Drive not
Ready,” appears.
• Check all cables.
• Check the power supply.
• Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up.
16 ST9655 Family Installation Guide, Rev. A