
the full capacity of the drive, and a user-defined drive type is
not available, use a third-party partitioning utility.
Run FDISK again and make the partitions smaller. If you are
using a version of DOS prior to Version 4.0, make the drive
partitions smaller than 32 Mbytes.
At startup, the messages, “Disk Boot Failure,” “Non-System
Disk,” or “No ROM Basic - SYSTEM HALTED,” appear.
Run the FDISK program and make sure the primary partition
is marked active.
Check all cables.
Check your DOS version.
Reinstall the DOS system files onto the hard disc using the
SYS command (see your DOS manual).
Check for viruses.
During operation, the system error message, “Drive not
Ready,” appears.
Check all cables.
Check the power supply.
Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up.
16 ST9655 Family Installation Guide, Rev. A