
Savvio 10K.2 SAS Product Manual, Rev. D
The drive firmware error recovery algorithms consists of 11 levels for read recoveries and five levels for write.
Each level may consist of multiple steps, where a step is defined as a recovery function involving a single re-
read or re-write attempt. The maximum level used by the drive in LBA recovery is determined by the read and
write retry counts.
Table 14 equates the read and write retry count with the maximum possible recovery time for read and write
recovery of individual LBAs. The times given do not include time taken to perform reallocations. Reallocations
are performed when the ARRE bit (for reads) or AWRE bit (for writes) is one, the RC bit is zero, and the recov-
ery time limit for the command has not yet been met. Time needed to perform reallocation is not counted
against the recovery time limit.