
Check your DOS version.
Reinstall the DOS system files onto the hard disc using the
SYS command (see your DOS manual).
Check for viruses.
During operation, the system error message, “Drive not
Ready,” appears.
Check all cables.
Check the power supply.
Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up.
When you start Microsoft Windows 3.1, you see an error
message regarding 32-bit disc access.
The 32-bit disc access driver supplied with Windows 3.1 does
not work with drive capacities greater than 528 Mbytes. You may
have to disable this feature to restart Windows. Seagate provides
a replacement 32-bit driver for Windows (SEG32BIT.386), which
does support high-capacity disc drives. To install this driver:
1. Start Windows, then insert your software diskette into drive A.
2. From the Program Manager menu, select Run.
3. In the command line box, type a:\stsetup.exe.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen, then enable 32-bit
disk access within the Windows Control Panel:
a. Choose the 386 Enhanced icon.
b. Choose the Virtual Memory button.
c. Choose the Change>> button.
d. Select the 32-Bit Disk Access check box.
e. Choose the OK button.
f. Choose the Restart button to restart Windows.
Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 17