Checking Food Temperature
Twenty-four hours after the unit is
installed, check the food temperature in
the refrigerator and freezer sections.
Use a quality thermometer that can reg-
ister below zero temperatures
FREEZER: Place the thermometer in
the center of the freezer, surrounded by
frozen packages Wait 5 to 8 hours,
then check the reading. If temperature
is not within 0° to +2 ° F,adjust control
as needed, one position at a time and
check temperature again after 4 to
6 hours See Figure 21
REFRIGERATOR: Place the thermom-
eter in a glass of water and place the
glass in the middle of the refrigerator
section° Be sure air can flow around it.
Wait 3 to 4 hours, check the tempera-
ture and adjust the control as needed
one position at a time to achieve the
38° to 40° F range_Wait 3 to 4 hours
and check the temperature again. See
Rgure 22,
Power Miser Control
The lower position is for maximum
energy savings. Use for periods of low
humidity. A minimum amount of con-
densation is normal° During extreme
high humidity, condensate may also
form on the cabinet sides and doors
This is normal -__
and will disap- POWERMISER
pear when cli-
matic condi-
The 2-Position Power Miser Control lets
you save energy by adjusting refrigera-
tor operation to humidity level in your
house. During hot, humid weather, any
refrigeratodfreezer will form moisture
around the doors, similar to the way
condensate forms on a glass of ice
water. The cabinet has special heaters
to minimize this condensation. The
Power Miser Control lets you turn these tions return to
heaters higher or lower, normal
The upper position is for periods of
high humidity,
Refrigerator Fea±ures
Adjustable Cantilever Glass Shelves.
These shelves attach to metal tracks in
the back of the interior. To remove,tap
upwards at rear of shelf hooks Lift shelf
and putl out. To install, tilt shelf and
engage upper hooks in desired track
slots. Lower shelf front and tap down-
wards near the tracksuntil shelf hooks
are securely seated and shelf is level.
ToAvoid Personal Injury Or Prop-
erty Damage testfor proper instal-
lation by exertingsome pressure
downward on the frontedge,. Shelf
should not move,