Filter Maintenance
I WARNING: To avoid iniury from acci-
'de__tal starti_ unph_g power cord
i before charsging or c!ea[ling fitter, 4
_sk:x te Shoal d be eFeu ]ed eftel to
r aqt1_ sp akvscpefo_ance
Be et_r_ to dry the fiiler beio_e sto_ir_g oT
psi<i g .)(by leb s
NOTE: ]'i is f _t;,_ is macse of -gi_q ,_dity
bate _m-_:_dtost(pve_ sm_ pati
C :'sOt OUSt !_ / fte Ca _oO Lsed fOiW/'t
rd_ pck_F H _ce efltPrcsef fly
W_!_' ; rTlO/]/{;_ tO 0 iT :t:_iJ !t
_/ ihff p:_: ts n13y occil
rOT St:, -_iO1 ,,recesses% i_ot
;0 lemovq t_:: f t4_ for C_e?.'N_3(Jor
fe;:s:C(qser:t, _er_iove fJV-r ]tt hoT! tie
SCreW Oil ti_e filter csge _e_1ove fiiter ¸
p ,te a d iftofft_ter
I_*,{PORTANT: ie ;,v@d damage _o the
[ ow<r w}e_1 ;mi _qoto sways ter_st?_',
t e fi}te; be{o_e t,s g the vaa for dry
n'ate ia p}ck _p
WARNING: Do not remove the fitterl
icage. I. ts there to help prevent your|
,fingers from getting nto the blower|
[wheel j
Wet/Dry Vac Maintenance
Dry Filter
i Some re!sovai of dly debts can t_e
accol _f;,s_,ed w thout l er,qowng the fil
ter from ti_e vac by a]app[l_g you_ hand
o_ top of _be }id wi!i_e the wc is turned
2 Fe_¸ best resuits of eiearli_g due to
_ccu_/_]ated dust, clean the f}lte/¸ in an
oper_area C_e_r_i_g SHOULD be done
otltdoofs al_d llot ir_the living quarte_
Aft÷_ filte_ rePiovai fron! vae_ remove
the dly de_)_is by get, fly tapping the fil-
ie_¸ ag_i_e_ the reside wail o_ your dust
drum and th÷ debris will ioose!_ and
4 For thorough clea_'_ir_gd dry fi_erwith fine
qus_ (!_o debds} you may run water
t!_ou_!_ r_as described urlder "Wet Filte¢'
Wet Fi_ter
Afte_ filtel s emoved, a wet fiiter shouid
beeeaned by unnngwaterthlough t
frorf! _,i_ose ol spgot Take care that
wxte_ [)[esstii8 from the hose s not
st_o_ g enough to damage f}ter
iMPORTANT: After c',ean ng, check the
filter for tears or smali hoies Do Rot use a
filte_withhoesortea_sinit Evei_asmal!
ho!e can cause a lot of dust to come out
of yourvac Repiace it immediately
Refer to page 5 'Filter Assembly"
Aiow the fiiter to dry before re nstatling
and storing the vac
_b keep you_ WeffDry Vac ',ooking ts
pest, :lean the o_Jteide wth a cloth damp
esed with warm water and mid Soap
:b ciea_ the drun
I Cumpdebrsout
3 Wpe out w}th dry coth
IWARNING: To assure product SAFETY]
and RELIABiLiTY, repairs and adjust-_
ment should be performed by Sears|
Service Centers, a_.#ays using Sears|
rep acement parts, j
NOTE: If your casters ate !_oisy you may
put a drop of oii or', the r@ier sh_dt, to
make them quieter