ma_e saw 1@oth ('A" figure 9) fo_o_ edge o_ sq_,_e
',_he_ t_e sow blade is moved ir__nd o_ in o crosse
e Re,-_i@_ien_e hex head screw_ (5_ %_e !0) o_d a_
_sB handle (See _igute 9)_
f, Redneck t_ave]of b!_de _oot_ (A _) with _be squ_re
9, A_er fh,_ cross-<u1 h_s bee_ accurately _uare_,
as_I] the re,dial arm ca_ (4, fi9ure 1O), m _e_a[e
ndi_o_@r (3 o_d screws (1 and 2), Sol Jhe iadlcaior
(3 o_ 0 ° pas_ten,
: 4:_PJ::',_E! ZLAM:qt4::%
,, : :wJy: ......
_'T£P _O_JR- A@2USTiNG T_B _rA.@B: PA_AL£[£ _o
Remove the sow guard
?.. hlso¢_ _ set screw _evelin 9 screw) i_ff_oearl of the five
leveling, T-_utso (S,e figure 5 ) Mser_ screws from the
_op side _Jnt:i[ t_eT- us: _ouch tt_a top J fhe _ase
3- [oosen :_l fh_r_pi_ B screws (_gur_ _' a_ Both
le{l_ aad r 9h_ sides _t the Bose. Re tighten :o :_age:
ghtr_e:_;s tar oaj_st_an_ 0_ _oble
4. Loose_ arm latch h@ad:e {20, n@,ure 24 enough _o
Obl'_J_ [ree mo,#@_em D_'radiaJ c_m, _de_s_z B_m JaIch
[e,,',_'er_1 _ure 24} o_ Ioosea :art uge [o_ k_:oN
a_d move ]'_ to poirHs {1_ 2. :3 _nd 4, f 9u_: ]2t to _:_ld
a: which of these po, r_ts _ne bb4de hrst :ouches the top
o_ _he t_b_z.
NOT_; AC[_Uo] contae_ 'wH'h i'obJu re'. can
be easi:ly de_er_ffted oy rotofin# _,ow bJ(sde
5 The A_g:h pom_ me,st be el o,-se o_ H'_e _or_t s_rew holes
L-_@_o_eco_t@m4h'_9 the t>or(_iJeJifK_ procedure- H h_gh
palm is not of the fron,_ r_d[us_ _he sz¢_ve, c_ paint (1
h_,lre 12)so th_ h_gh po,nt is rr_,pA_d a: th_ fro_1_l_._or
[3o_a_ 1. Ra_ _he blade s]kght y _o I?ick up _ P_9 nq
_oun_] 01 _hi5 _H::W hgh POir_
NOTE: Do ua: d_ar_g_: _.t::t,_a_lion M m_:._
b]O_;:_ d_rin 9 thu remoi'_d_ o} _n,_ porch-
el:aN uperat]On
6 t_,o_e t_:! b_adc _o I'heback of _tab[_ directly b_:nd
the h_gh F.t_'_ml R_;ise _he _ab:u _> b]o@.: i_e,_ghfar th_s
pom_ By 0di_sti8g flu+ _¢r_,.w _,r_oim ..3 f;g_re :3} or
J_t-hand side nf table. T_gkder the s:n::nnel c[ompirlg
s_re_s _ tr,onloe_ boc_ o_ oasu........ ff_- iL-H-hond
7 £_urm t_e b[a_e _,s _'roml O[' lG_'.'de 3_d make
S_igh_o_ius_mer_t of lh_r__,cr_r_.' _r__his o_eo- _eec.ess_r 7,
g Swi_ 9 t}_e b:_de _o from 9_' l_;biu cw'_;_£h_-_'_ar_d s_dc-.
Adl_st serow o! B,ord i'?fiB,arc 14:,.
9 ?_4o'u'.eblade ta hack rA tnbl_:. _;ai_-,÷_t_:._table 1o biode
h_?iDhr a_ this aMat By ¢_diustm @ the :,o'ew o_ pastil
_4, figu_ 14). T;gu_e;, cho_s_el c[c_p_ 9 screws a
Fmr4 and boc_ ot base on _@'4-hond s_a_._
10 R_÷turn _'he blade _o r_om ot table and m0ke _ s_h
_ove !_e S:w h[o_:]e 1ooJ[ _:Ou_9Clew pos:[:o:_s :o recheck
for pro_e_ Doto[_e[i_9 ol la:b_e "Point: ] tn_ouqn A
_iqure 12':
2 _ow_ _h@ s_-w bJo@ _(>_P.nr_r o_ k_d:4e, H the 1abe
_s low at thls Doan_. _a_se n By ad_s_m 9 H_es_ew _-_
5. _':g_Jre 15/, I_may ba ne_essory TO ha,;'k _f_ r_
_r_w' (6) _e pro@de proper c:,earon_
]3 If _h_:_tab_ iS hi_a _ th_ :enr_: lower ,_ bI tight.e#in9
me s:rew ¢6_ Whe_ the :ooze _ gd_sfed po:a/_ei to
the radio[ arm, :0_o_e fl'_ese_ s_e.,_ (5] clockwise _:
_: bottoms on the bose This w:H serve as u [ock for
the aai_sm:en_ at s¢_ (6}
14 Pb_e _:r_e r_p _el_ce n rer'fica position beh_d [_'on_
oboe board. [Se_ _:ou_e 4.1
t5 Piece _he re@r [_b[@ behMd _he r_ _er_¢e_, W_th lee
:LHOut _'Orwa_$ _aext _o r_o _ence#
NOTE: The adenine irl r_,:_ _r;b_e b, us,eo
w_-.r_ shaping, ur perform n9 (_y £q>urauun
_eefe _ _r._:f_cu_c_ <ulte, m_s_ ex_ut, d
belo'w _r_b_e top m.v,,s.