i ii ii i i i i i_11,111,,i....... .i.... ;,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ................. ql i _ .. i iI , iiiiiiiiiii
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Ill ... IIIIIIIIIIIIII I ............
_ isa dat_,mu= mactiontP_t cwntsedtoseHouz
ln|ury. Do no: rely only on tllesafMy devices provided
with your saw. As e chain saw user, you must follow
h'ee from accident or injury,
. i iiiii
Kickback con o¢:ur when the rr_xj r._tn contacts
im object mtheupper p<xtkm Of_ t_laftM guide,=at
orwhen tJ_lm=_l cicmmin _,adpind_m_e uw_n
In Lhecut. Comlclaf_e upperporUon _e tJpof the
gukfe bmrCxn€:l_m thechJn todig intone object and
stop the Ctlatn f_r mn_ The m_JRlQ e ilgtmltng
ta._tm,er,atmcUon whlchk_:; th_g_d ebw up mnd
"i ii iil I,IIHI I r IIIIIIII
1.* Recognize that kick_€_ can happen. With a
basic unc_erstar_ing at k_ckback, you c3n r_auce
t_e element of suranse which cor_r_:uzes :_
2. Neverlet ttw mov|n_ ciudn conazct enyol_'Z xtthe
11!0=f the guide bat. F_JUre1.
3. Keep the working am._ free From obs_n4ctiens
such as _lhet trees, bnlnches, rocks, fences.
stumps, etc. Figure 2. EEm_n_m or _o;_ any
OO_tU¢._tiCrit_at your saw Ct_aincould I_ztwr_ie you
ate cutting through a i=_r_¢u_t.tog or Dran_r_.
4. Keep your saw chain th_rp end property ten-
signed. Followmanui_Ic_um.,_schaJnshacI:_n_g _o
n_enance ir,.sm_mns. _ mns_ona_ regular
_va_s wil.meee_me_. ne_er.,_, _e eng_e
running.Makesumt_e t_r _ n_s ae _m_
.tig_eneda.fterze_nin_ _ d,aJn. A _ or dul_
Ct'_n can in_'ease _e ct_anceof _i_ _: c_=ur.
S. t_jin end continue cutting it full throttle, l! me
cP_m ts moving at a slower s_ed. there :s gre_te_,
chance tot _k_r.k to occur
6. Cut only one I(x_ st a time.
7. Useextmm_ c._ution when m.emenng a previous
8. Do not attempt plunge cuts.
9. Wxtch for eh_ing logs or other forces that coul_f
close • cut and pinP.J1or fall into t_e chem.
10. Use the Reduced.Kk:k:be©k Guide Bar encl Low-
Kick_eok Chain Sp/!_if_Id for your Saw,
1. Kl_ e g_l firm gdp anthe sew w;ttt _oth nends
when the engine ts nJnning and don*t let go.
Figure 3, A firm gt_p_an neutr_ize _cx_acY, an<:
help you maintain o0ntm: of the saw. Keep the
finge_s of your left hanoi enctrcting ana you_ leh
thumb under the front handlel_ar. Keeo your ngn_
lland completely an_und It_e mar I_an_le wnemer
you are ngnt t_nde_ or raptnand_. Keep your te_
ann st_aigl'_ with the elbow iocke<l.
2. tR:mllk_y_urklfihluIdo_thefront hlndtebarsott
ISIn• Itxxtght line _ your right _ on _e.nllr
,andle when eking bm:ddng _ p_ure _LNe_
m_._l r_ arn _ _ _._:ns ounngam _P•
3. Shed With your weight evenly _ala.nced on
boffi fHt__
4. SUed sligh_ to the left side of the saw to keel:
Your _ _ helKI/'/ore being in a dmL_'. _|n_-
with the cuffing chain, F_ju_ Z
S. Do z10t overreJIc:h. YOucould be otlrwn ¢r _P,rowr
off biIanc_ and lose €ontrol of the saw
6. Never Cut above shoulder height. :__ :n_cult _
,pl;_¢esthe cha_ dangerously clo_e --- ,¢_] _De